Goldfields Insight Meditation
Goldfields Insight Meditation is a group of Buddhist students and teachers who come together to offer a free meditation practice every Thursday night at the Westend Hall in Castlemaine between 7.00 to 8:30 pm. ( Updated from July 24)
We do request that you offer a $5 donation to cover the cost of the hall and for a cuppa afterwards.
This practice is non-denominational and open to all levels of meditators from beginning to advanced.
We are affiliated with the Melbourne Insight Meditation Group.
For more information about our Castlemaine meditation sit contact: hello@goldfieldsmeditation.com.au
Fran Woodruff: 0407822723
We also have a sit on Bendigo in Kennington on Thursday Mornings.
for further information about our Bendigo sit
contact Janell: 0448433073
We will also be offering half day practice sessions and
full day practice sessions, along with a monthly dharma talk with Robyn Gibson on Thursday evenings.
Our next half day of practice is on Sunday 8 September. Please book your place via this Humanitix link. https://events.humanitix.com/goldfields-insight-meditation-half-day-of-meditation-practice-september-8
Our current program is as follows:
7pm - Guided Meditation
7.20pm - Walking meditation/ mindful movement
7.40 - silent meditation.
Please sign up for our Monthly Newsletter so that you can keep updated on our offerings.
with Metta
Goldfields Insight Meditation Group